Este Blogue tem como objectivo divulgar o Serviço Social Português (SSP) e aceita colaborações e iniciativas escritas, notícias e fotografias dos profissionais e estudantes de Serviço Social de qualquer canto do mundo.
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
A Federação Internacional de Trabalhadores Sociais tem vindo evidenciar, no âmbito da defesa dos direitos humanos, o nome dos assitentes sociais que em todo o mundo são vítimas e objecto de agresões, tortura e assasinato.
Deixamos aqui a informação documental divulgada pela FITS em
1990 - Chile
In 1990 a representative of the Human RIghts Commission travelled twice to Chile and received information about several social workers and social work students that had disappeared during the dictatorship. No final information has reached the IFSW.
· Maria Cecilia Labrin Sazo
· Modesta Carolina Wiff Sepulveda
· Elizabeth Mercedes Rekas Urra
· Luis Jorge Almonacid Dumenes
· Jacqueline del Carmen Binfa Contreras
· Maria Teresa Bustillos Cereceda
· Jaqueline Paulette Drouilly Yurich
· Maria Teresa Eltit Contreras
· Alfredo Gabriel Garcia Vega
· Juan Ernesto Ibarra Toledo
· Jose Alberto Salazar Aguilera
Social workers who were detained and disappeared
• Maria Cecilia Labrin Sazo was detained at her home in the presence of her mother and sister on August 12, 1974. At the time of her detainment she was just over two months pregnant. Four men came looking for her in a red truck and were only supposed to talk to her for 30-minutes. They never brought her back.
• Modesta Carolina Wiff Sepulveda was detained on June 25, 1975 along with Dr. Carlos Lorca Tobar. At that time she was married and had one daughter. There were eight members who waited for her and Dr. Lorca outside the home of Yolanda Abarca who witnessed the detainment.
• Elizabeth Mercedes Rekas Urra was detained on May 26, 1976 along with her husband. At that time she was four months pregnant. Her brother had been detained two days earlier. She was 27 years old at the time.
Social work students who were detained and disappeared
• Luis Jorge Almonacid Dumenes, student at the University of Chile, was detained on September 16, 1973. He was 22 at that time. He was detained at a friends place and was taken away where he was tortured and kept bare foot and without food.
• Jacqueline Del Carmen Binfa Contreras, student at the University of Chile, was detained in Santiago on August 27, 1974. She was 28 at that time. She interrogated and tortured with electricity.
• Maria Teresa Bustillos Cereceda, student at the University of Chile, was detained in Santiago on September 9, 1974. She was kept in prison until Christmas time of that year when she was taken away with 3 or 4 other male prisoners and none of them were seen or heard from again.
• Jaqueline Paulette Drouilly Yurich, student at the University of Chile, was detained in Santiago on October 30, 1974. At that time she was 24 and was two months pregnant. Eight members of DINA took her away, as they were looking for her husband, who they eventually detained the following day.
• Maria Teresa Eltit Contreras, student at the University of Chile, was detained on December 12, 1974. She was 22 at that time. There were no witnesses at the time of her detainment.
• Alfredo Gabriel Garcia Vega, was detained on January 18, 1975. He was married and had one son. He was 30 at that time. At the time of his detainment, he was inside his car, a 1930 Ford, from where he was violently pulled out and dragged to the truck that belonged to members of DINA.
• Juan Ernesto Ibarra Toledo, student at the University of Chile, was detained in Santiago on July 25, 1974. He was 21 at that time. He met with his mother that day at 3:30pm and was to meet a friend at 5pm, a meeting which he never attended. It is believed he was detained during that time. A female doctor was a prisoner with Juan Ibarra and was forced by the agents of DINA to watch Juan’s tortures.
• Jose Alberto Salazar Aguilera, student at the University of Chile, was detained on November 22, 1974. He was 23 at that time. While in detainment he tried to escape twice, the second being caught and shot in the abdomen. He was hospitalized until December 6th and then taken away.
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
Leia texto no site do Grupo de Relações Internacionais da APSS
terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006
segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006
26 e 27 de Outubro
Dia 26 de Outubro
9h00- Abertura do Secretariado
9h45- Sessão de Abertura
10h00- 1º Painel
As Equipes Transdiciplinares no Jogo da Transdiciplinaridade – Um Desafio Com Novos Caminhos e Outras Encruzilhadas
Dr. Edmundo Martinho- Presidente do ISS
Prof. Dr.ª Fernanda Rodrigues
Mestre Joaquim Paulo Silva- AIDSS
Moderador: a confirmar
11h30- Debate
12h30- Intervalo para Almoço
14h30- 2º Painel
As Aprendizagens ao Longo da Vida: a Construção/Desconstrução de uma Educação para a Cidadania.
Dr.ª Margarida Moreira – DREN (a Confirmar)
Dr.ª Deolinda Araújo- ESE
Dr. Avelino Leite- IEFPN
Dr.ª Susana Gonçalves-AEP
Moderador: Dr.ª Ana Moutinho
16h00- Debate
17h00- Actuação de um Grupo Cultural
17h30- Encerramento do 1º dia
Dia 27 de Outubro
10h00 – 3º Painel
A Mediação e Gestão de Conflitos no Trabalho Social – A Partilha do Conhecimento e da Intervenção
Dr. Bruno Caldeira – Presidente da AMC
Mestre Marco Teixeira- PSP
Juiz Maia Neto
Moderador: a Confirmar
11h30- Debate
12h30 Intervalo Para Almoço
14h30- 4º Painel
Diferentes Olhares Sobre a Inclusão Social: A Família, a Escola, a Política. Justiça e Emprego.
Dr.ª Isabel Pinto- PAFAC
Dr. Fernando Coelho- PETI
Instituto de Reinserção Social (a confirmar)
CONFAP- Confederação Nacional de Pais
Moderador: Dr.ª Rita Brito
16h00- Debate
17h30 – Sessão de Encerramento