Processo de Realojamento e apropriação do Espaço
num Bairro Multi-étnico
num Bairro Multi-étnico
Hélia Augusta Correia Carneiro
A presente pesquisa apresenta o estudo de uma amostra de nove agregados familiares de diferentes grupos étnicos: africanos, indianos e lusos, provenientes do Bairro Quinta da Vitória, concelho de Loures, realojados no contíguo Bairro Social na Av. Alfredo Bensaúde, em Lisboa.
Com este trabalho pretende-se compreender o processo de realojamento e apropriação dos novos espaços habitacionais pelas famílias pertencentes a diferentes grupos étnicos. Analisa-se, pois, o modo como se traduz esta mudança na melhoria das condições de vida e de bem estar destas famílias, quando confrontadas com uma nova realidade residencial e habitacional, nomeadamente a forma como estes agregados se apropriam dos espaços domésticos e envolventes, influência nas redes familiares e referências religiosas, o modo como os diferentes grupos culturais se relacionam entre si, em suma: a satisfação residencial dos novos moradores, dirigida à casa e ao bairro, compreendendo a forma como estes avaliam e percepcionam o seu espaço habitacional.
Os resultados apurados indicam que as famílias revelaram uma satisfação bastante elevada relativamente ao novo espaço privado, a casa. Por outro lado, as vantagens dos novos espaços domésticos, como a melhoria de condições de habitabilidade, confrontam-se com a aquisição de novas responsabilidades, tais como as despesas correntes e a relação e os compromissos com os vizinhos.
Key -Words: Relodgings, Appropriation of the Space, Residential`s Satisfaction, Ethnic group and Culture.
The research now presented focused on the study of a sample of nine families of different ethnic groups: Africans, Indians and Portuguese, from Bairro Quinta da Vitória, Loures, reinstalled in the adjacent Bairro Social, in Av. Alfredo Bensaúde, Lisbon.
The main objective was to understand the modus operandi of reinstallation and appropriation of new residential spaces by the families belonging to different ethnic groups. We studied the way this change translates in the enhancement of life conditions and well‑being of these families, when faced with a new residential reality, namely the way these family groups get hold of the domestic and adjacent spaces, the influence in the family networks and religious references, the way the different groups interrelate, in a word: the residential satisfaction of the new inhabitants, directed towards the house and the quarter, understanding the way they judge and evaluate their residential space.
The results seem to indicate a considerable satisfaction concerning the new private space, the house. On the other way, the advantages of the new domestic spaces, such as the habitability conditions, are faced with the acquisition of new responsibilities, such as current expenses and relations and commitments with the new neighbors.
Key -Words: Relodgings, Appropriation of the Space, Residential`s Satisfaction, Ethnic group and Culture.
The research now presented focused on the study of a sample of nine families of different ethnic groups: Africans, Indians and Portuguese, from Bairro Quinta da Vitória, Loures, reinstalled in the adjacent Bairro Social, in Av. Alfredo Bensaúde, Lisbon.
The main objective was to understand the modus operandi of reinstallation and appropriation of new residential spaces by the families belonging to different ethnic groups. We studied the way this change translates in the enhancement of life conditions and well‑being of these families, when faced with a new residential reality, namely the way these family groups get hold of the domestic and adjacent spaces, the influence in the family networks and religious references, the way the different groups interrelate, in a word: the residential satisfaction of the new inhabitants, directed towards the house and the quarter, understanding the way they judge and evaluate their residential space.
The results seem to indicate a considerable satisfaction concerning the new private space, the house. On the other way, the advantages of the new domestic spaces, such as the habitability conditions, are faced with the acquisition of new responsibilities, such as current expenses and relations and commitments with the new neighbors.
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