Cuban social workers help out in Haiti Havana.– Cuban social workers who assisted with an energy-saving program in Haiti finished their effort and were bid farewell by Serge Raphael, director of the electric company of that country.
Raphael expressed the gratitude and recognition of Haitian President Rene Preval and Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis at a ceremony also attended by Cuba’s ambassador Raul Barzaga, Granma Newspaper reported .
As a result of the social workers efforts 2.8 million low-energy consumption light bulbs were installed, 7 percent more than originally planned, reported Prensa Latina.
The Cubans carried out their work in several departments of Haiti. This included visits to 93,572 homes and 63,000 workplaces, state government statistics
Este Blogue tem como objectivo divulgar o Serviço Social Português (SSP) e aceita colaborações e iniciativas escritas, notícias e fotografias dos profissionais e estudantes de Serviço Social de qualquer canto do mundo.
sexta-feira, janeiro 15, 2010
NASW Social Workers Prepared to Help Victims of Haiti Earthquake
Social Workers Prepared to Help Victims of Haiti Earthquake
NASW encourages members to get involved
WASHINGTON DC—In the aftermath of the deadly earthquake in Haiti this week, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is issuing an alert to its nearly 150,000 members to help support recovery efforts for victims and their families. In disasters such as this, social workers are uniquely suited to assess the disaster environment in a culturally competent manner and to provide leadership in promoting effective disaster relief and recovery efforts.
“Social workers are often among the first to respond to disasters both nationally and abroad,” says Elizabeth Clark, PhD, ACSW, MPH, executive director of NASW. “The people of Haiti need our help now more than ever, and we are committed to providing any assistance we can to one of the world’s poorest countries during this terrible tragedy.”
“If you would like to join with your social worker colleagues in the social work response to this disaster, you can donate through the NASW Foundation’s Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund to assist social workers and/or social welfare organizations who can provide help.”
•Click here to donate to The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund
•Join our Facebook Cause
Social workers are already helping through various organizations both nationally and internationally. NASW is a member of InterAction, the largest coalition of U.S-based international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on the world’s poor and most vulnerable people. Many NGO members of this coalition were active in Haiti prior to the earthquake and have been mobilizing immediate aid to survivors in the past few days. Social workers have a strong presence within these organizations. Social workers can also make contributions to organizations listed here:
•American Red Cross
•InterAction member organizations active in Haiti
•United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) –for the delivery of urgent medical care, food, and water to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti through UN agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, the World Food Program, UNDP, UNFPA, IOM.
Social workers can also help by offering disaster recovery services through organizations working in Haiti. Tragic events of this magnitude often require the expertise of social workers who can immediately provide their crisis management, community organizing and mental health support skills. Social workers with prior disaster relief experience can register with the Center for International Disaster Information to volunteer their time and expertise to this important cause. Or for those with more experience and seeking longer-term paid positions, social workers can search for vacancies with NGOs at .
For further information about ways to get involved, visit the InterAction Web site at or the USAID Disaster Assistance page .
NASW recognizes that some of our members and friends have lost loved ones through this tragedy. Our thoughts are with those affected by this disaster. To find additional resources on coping with grief and loss, please visit Help Starts Here, the social work consumer Web site .
NASW encourages members to get involved
WASHINGTON DC—In the aftermath of the deadly earthquake in Haiti this week, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is issuing an alert to its nearly 150,000 members to help support recovery efforts for victims and their families. In disasters such as this, social workers are uniquely suited to assess the disaster environment in a culturally competent manner and to provide leadership in promoting effective disaster relief and recovery efforts.
“Social workers are often among the first to respond to disasters both nationally and abroad,” says Elizabeth Clark, PhD, ACSW, MPH, executive director of NASW. “The people of Haiti need our help now more than ever, and we are committed to providing any assistance we can to one of the world’s poorest countries during this terrible tragedy.”
“If you would like to join with your social worker colleagues in the social work response to this disaster, you can donate through the NASW Foundation’s Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund to assist social workers and/or social welfare organizations who can provide help.”
•Click here to donate to The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund
•Join our Facebook Cause
Social workers are already helping through various organizations both nationally and internationally. NASW is a member of InterAction, the largest coalition of U.S-based international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on the world’s poor and most vulnerable people. Many NGO members of this coalition were active in Haiti prior to the earthquake and have been mobilizing immediate aid to survivors in the past few days. Social workers have a strong presence within these organizations. Social workers can also make contributions to organizations listed here:
•American Red Cross
•InterAction member organizations active in Haiti
•United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) –for the delivery of urgent medical care, food, and water to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti through UN agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, the World Food Program, UNDP, UNFPA, IOM.
Social workers can also help by offering disaster recovery services through organizations working in Haiti. Tragic events of this magnitude often require the expertise of social workers who can immediately provide their crisis management, community organizing and mental health support skills. Social workers with prior disaster relief experience can register with the Center for International Disaster Information to volunteer their time and expertise to this important cause. Or for those with more experience and seeking longer-term paid positions, social workers can search for vacancies with NGOs at .
For further information about ways to get involved, visit the InterAction Web site at or the USAID Disaster Assistance page .
NASW recognizes that some of our members and friends have lost loved ones through this tragedy. Our thoughts are with those affected by this disaster. To find additional resources on coping with grief and loss, please visit Help Starts Here, the social work consumer Web site .
Haiti has been plagued by violence and lawlessness since 2004, when President Aristide fled into exile. The chaos has hampered basic services and prevented humanitarian assistance from reaching the vulnerable.
Because of Haiti’s high population density and its decaying infrastructure, the country is particularly vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters such as floods, mudslides and hurricanes.
Issues facing children in Haiti
■Haiti has the highest rates of infant, under-five and maternal mortality in the Western hemisphere. Diarrhoea, respiratory infections, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are the leading causes of death.
■Some 60 per cent of people, primarily in rural areas, lack access to basic health-care services.
■Numerous schools and hospitals have closed because teachers, social workers and health providers could not go to work for fear of violence.
■It is estimated that about 5.6 per cent of people aged 15-49 years old in Haiti are living with HIV/AIDS. This includes about 19,000 children. Antiretroviral drugs are extremely scarce.
■As many as 2,000 children a year are trafficked to the Dominican Republic, often with their parents’ support.
■Only a little over half of primary school-age children are enrolled in school. Less than 2 per cent of children finish secondary school.
■Approximately 1,000 children are working as messengers, spies and even soldiers for armed gangs in Port Au Prince.
Activities and results for children
■Thanks to supplies, medical equipment and technical assistance from UNICEF and its partners, routine immunization coverage has improved significantly in recent years. Haiti has been free of measles and polio since 2001; 824,000 children were inoculated against polio in 2005.
■In a major campaign to reduce maternal mortality, UNICEF and its partners provided medical equipment and training to reopen health facilities that had been closed for up to a year. An estimated 75,000 pregnant women are expected to benefit.
■Voluntary counselling and testing facilities have successfully kept rates of mother-to-child transmission of AIDS under 10 per cent.
■A Back to School initiative encouraged 19,000 children and 350 teachers to return to school. UNICEF helped communities build 55 new schools, which will educate an additional 20,000 children. UNICEF also provided water and sanitation supplies for 75 schools, and led classes on safe hygiene.
■UNICEF and its partners continued to provide relief for victims of a September 2004 hurricane in Gonaives, which affected 300,000 people. In addition to food, water, sanitation, and vaccinations, thousands of children received identification cards, birth certificates and psychosocial support and counselling
Because of Haiti’s high population density and its decaying infrastructure, the country is particularly vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters such as floods, mudslides and hurricanes.
Issues facing children in Haiti
■Haiti has the highest rates of infant, under-five and maternal mortality in the Western hemisphere. Diarrhoea, respiratory infections, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are the leading causes of death.
■Some 60 per cent of people, primarily in rural areas, lack access to basic health-care services.
■Numerous schools and hospitals have closed because teachers, social workers and health providers could not go to work for fear of violence.
■It is estimated that about 5.6 per cent of people aged 15-49 years old in Haiti are living with HIV/AIDS. This includes about 19,000 children. Antiretroviral drugs are extremely scarce.
■As many as 2,000 children a year are trafficked to the Dominican Republic, often with their parents’ support.
■Only a little over half of primary school-age children are enrolled in school. Less than 2 per cent of children finish secondary school.
■Approximately 1,000 children are working as messengers, spies and even soldiers for armed gangs in Port Au Prince.
Activities and results for children
■Thanks to supplies, medical equipment and technical assistance from UNICEF and its partners, routine immunization coverage has improved significantly in recent years. Haiti has been free of measles and polio since 2001; 824,000 children were inoculated against polio in 2005.
■In a major campaign to reduce maternal mortality, UNICEF and its partners provided medical equipment and training to reopen health facilities that had been closed for up to a year. An estimated 75,000 pregnant women are expected to benefit.
■Voluntary counselling and testing facilities have successfully kept rates of mother-to-child transmission of AIDS under 10 per cent.
■A Back to School initiative encouraged 19,000 children and 350 teachers to return to school. UNICEF helped communities build 55 new schools, which will educate an additional 20,000 children. UNICEF also provided water and sanitation supplies for 75 schools, and led classes on safe hygiene.
■UNICEF and its partners continued to provide relief for victims of a September 2004 hurricane in Gonaives, which affected 300,000 people. In addition to food, water, sanitation, and vaccinations, thousands of children received identification cards, birth certificates and psychosocial support and counselling
terça-feira, janeiro 12, 2010
Seminário “Tempos de Mudança, História, Memória e Investigação em Serviço Social”
“Tempos de Mudança, História, Memória e Investigação em Serviço Social”
15 de Janeiro de 2010 – 14h
Local: ISMT - Sala nº 1 do edf. Rua Augusta, nº46
“Enfrentamento da Pobreza no Neo-Liberalismo: Desafios para o Serviço Social ”
Prof. Doutor Carlos Montaño
(Doutor em Serviço Social – UFRJ)
Mestre Luana Siqieira
(Mestre em Serviço Social – UFRJ e em Educação e Saúde – FIOCRUZ; Doutoranda em Serviço Social – UFRJ)
Inscrições (limitadas) até ao dia 13 de Janeiro de 2010
Estudantes – 3 Euros
Profissionais – 5 Euros
Secretariado da Escola Superior de Altos Estudos
Drª. Alexandra Damas
Telef.: 239 488043/44
Será emitido um Certificado a todos os participantes
Organização: Coordenação do 2º ciclo em Serviço Social
Este Seminário Aberto constitui uma actividade programada da unidade curricular de Seminário de Dissertação II do 2º ciclo em Serviço Social (VII Curso)
memoria social,
seminario coimbra
segunda-feira, janeiro 11, 2010
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