Nas últimas décadas, contrariamente ao que pensa o senso comum, a produção científica do Serviço Social Português ( SSP) adquiriu uma dimensão significativa pela sua qualidade e quantidade. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa a partir das escolas de Serviço Social, os programas de pós graduação, a actividade investigativa dos profissionais a partir dos seus locais de trabalho e também os espaços de reflexão e debate, vem assinalando uma actividade in crescendo que às vezes se ve concretizada em livro ou em revista.
A realidade nestas últimas décadas a nível dos meios e dos recursos mudaram significativamente. A informática e a net desenvolvem novas possibilidades digitais que podem contribuir para dar maior visibilidade ao trabalho de pesquisa e publicação. Exemplos claros disto são as páginas das escolas do Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto (http://www.cesss-isssp.pt/), do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga (http://www.ismt.pt/ismt/pt/) da Escola de Serviço Social da UHTL, que recentemente decidiu publicar alguns trabalhos na área da nossa profissão.
Como exemplo inverso, com mais recursos, a página do ISSSL e a sua revista de Intervenção Social, representa estado decadente em que se encontra esta instituição, agora comprada pela U. Lusíada. http://www.isss.pt/
Continuamos salientando sobretudo a actividade dos centros de investigação na nossa área, especialmente a Associação de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Social (http://aidss.blogspot.com/) sediada no Porto e o Centro Português de Investigação em História e Trabalho Social ( www.cpihts.com), que de forma regular ao longo de anos consolidaram projectos que acompanham o cotidiano dos Assistentes Sociais que procuram informação e formação nesta área.
Novos títulos, novos livros na forja, novos trabalhos de reflexão para o espaço do Serviço Social.
Na área da produção de trabalhos gostava de sublinhar o esforço da nossa colega a Profª. Doutora Josefina Figueira-McDonough que sempre esta publicando trabalhos a partir dos Estados Unidos ou Europa ( Dinamarca, Portugal ) para evidenciar o trabalho dos assistentes sociais portugueses.
Deixo alguns elementos que recolhi na própria net sobre a sua obra.
Josefina Figueira-McDonough, Ph.D., is professor emerita of Social Work and of Justice and Social Inquiry at Arizona State University. Trained in social work and sociology at the University of Michigan, she has taught in both fields at the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and Vanderbilt University.
She has lectured and/or conducted research in Puerto Rico, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, Mozambique, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ireland. Her work on social justice has focused on deviance and control, the ecology of poverty, policy outcomes, community analysis and curricula. This research has been supported by federal, state, and private grants and disseminated in social science as well as in social work journals. She is presently on the board of two international and interdisciplinary journals, Social Intervention and Social Compass, and is a member of the book committee of the National Association of Social Workers. Her most recent books include Community Analysis and Praxis: Toward a Grounded Civil Society (Brunner-Routledge, 2001), Serviço Social: Profissão e Identidade, with A. Negreiros, A. Martins and B. Henriques (Veras Editora, 2000), and Women at the Margins: Neglect, Punishment and Resistance, edited with Rosemary Sarri (Howard Press, 2002).
The Welfare State and Social Work: The Hesitant Pursuit of Social Justice critically assesses the historical, sociopolitical, and economic factors that have influenced social work policy and practice in the United States. By viewing social welfare and social work in light of principles of social justice, this book offers a fresh understanding of their interplay and how this interaction affects policy practice.
Key Features:
Conceptualizes social justice as it operates, or fails to operate, under a specific system-the liberal democracy familiar to citizens of the United States
Examines how administrative centralization and political and economic power affect social policies, how these policies are conditioned by the paths embedded in the histories of previous decisions, and how a selective ideology justifies them
Offers a critical commentary following the coverage of historical periods
Systematically compares outcomes in the United States with those in other liberal democracies that have different welfare regimes, and evaluates proposals for reforming welfare in a global context.
The Welfare State and Social Work: The Hesitant Pursuit of Social Justice critically assesses the historical, sociopolitical, and economic factors that have influenced social work policy and practice in the United States. By viewing social welfare and social work in light of principles of social justice, this book offers a fresh understanding of their interplay and how this interaction affects policy practice.
Key Features:
Conceptualizes social justice as it operates, or fails to operate, under a specific system-the liberal democracy familiar to citizens of the United States
Examines how administrative centralization and political and economic power affect social policies, how these policies are conditioned by the paths embedded in the histories of previous decisions, and how a selective ideology justifies them
Offers a critical commentary following the coverage of historical periods
Systematically compares outcomes in the United States with those in other liberal democracies that have different welfare regimes, and evaluates proposals for reforming welfare in a global context.

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alfredo henríquez
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